
More Posts Soon

I've been incredibly busy as life has been happening lately, but I think things are calming down and I can finally get back to gaming more. Over the last few months I went on a cruise and finished renovating our house, which means that the year of fantasy had to take a hiatus. I took a hiatus for gaming in general, as it's easier to drop it completely than live the lie that I will only play a little.

I would like to resume the year of fantasy, but I think that it will stretch into the years of fantasy, as the games get longer and the level grinding gets a bit less mindless. In FFI-FF3, you barely had to watch while you leveled up. In FFIV I had to actually pay attention while grinding.

Though I've played no real games lately, I used phone games as a crutch and played ALOT of Candy Crush in a short span of time. I'm currently stuck in the 160s. I refused to pay money or use facebook, and it's beginning to get a little impossible. 

The one significant gaming event that did take place was Dovahfest, which was a rousing success. I hope that our next house has a basement that proves more effective for hosing such festivities.

As a final side note, my Doctor Who obsession has spawned it's own Pinterest, and I'm working on starting a blog, tumblr and twitter. Yeah, it's pretty serious. I'm running out of hours in the day to get all this done...