

I believe it was Pablo Picasso that said " good artists copy; great artists steal." I am but a good artist, because I will only be copying an idea of this guy. He (she? I don't really know) has created a fun series of minimalist images to go with some popular movies and games. Because a lot of current cover art tries to throw the kitchen sink in, these simple, iconic versions gave me an idea. The visual clutter that is my gaming shelf has always been a problem. Even when it's clean, it looks sort of messy because of all the random colors. If I were to use covers like lbo's, I could get a nice uniform look, and swap mine so I could see the originals when I open the cases. The only problem? That is easily 100 cases that need iconic designs and a lot of ink to print them...

I have a bad habit of creating too many projects at once. And they all feel necessary.